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Prison of the Socrates

Athens, Greece



Prison of the philosopher Socrates



The prison of the philosopher Socrates is located at the foot of Philopappus Hill. The caves of the carved structure are related to the unjust punishment of the famous philosopher, made it a popular place among tourists. Socrates was imprisoned and spent 30 days here awaiting his death sentence. In 399 B.C., the 70-year-old philosopher was charged with not honoring the gods and seducing young citizens. It was known that he loved to pester passers-by with questions and talk to them on topics he liked. A jury of 500+1 people reached a verdict where, There were 221 votes for acquittal and 280 votes against. After the verdict, Socrates' friend Apollodorus weeping said, I find it especially hard that you are sentenced to death unjustly. To which Socrates replied, it would be more pleasant to see me sentenced justly. The court gave Socrates the right to choose his own fate, to which he replied that instead of punishment, the government should thank him as a benefactor of Athens and feed him free of charge for the rest of his life. We do not know what death is, and it is not logical to fear it, he said. Before he died, he said that it was time for us to leave this place, for me to die and you to live, and no one knows where it is better but God. His friends offered to set him free, but he replied the law is harsh, but it is the law, and took the poison in their presence. Whether this is really the same cave where Socrates sat is not known, and there is also an opinion that it is an ordinary dwelling house or a bathhouse of that time cut out in the rock. This practice is very common nowadays on the island of Santorini. But one way or another, it is definitely worth seeing this dungeon and remembering this extraordinary man.



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