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Phylis Spring and Amphitheater

Athens, Greece



Phylis Spring and Amphitheater



The Philis Spring or the Cyrus Spring is located on Mount Parnita. This spring has a rich history and also according to the stories of the locals about the strange phenomena of the place. Its current appearance is based on the reconstruction carried out by the local authorities. The spring is famous for its cold and crystal clear water, which quenches thirst after a difficult climb or walk on Mount Parnita. Materials from the ruins of the ancient temple of Panos, which was located nearby, helped to restore the current shape of the spring. Next to the spring there is a theater, which is impressively beautiful, and materials from the ruins of the ancient temple of Panos were also used in the construction of the theater. In the very center of the Amphitheater is a small altar, said to belong to an ancient temple, but now it decorates this small theater and works as a natural sound amplifier. The spring has a legend that in winter, during sunset, you should not be near the spring. Because a little girl can be found there. The girl appears suddenly to the left of the spring and approaches with outstretched hands and tears in her eyes. She is dressed in an old-fashioned white dress from the last century with a blue ribbon around her waist. Legend has it that the little girl went to the spring from the sanatorium Parnita, when she was seriously ill. But she did not manage to drink the water from the spring, as she froze on the way.



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