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Matsuki Water Mill

Matsuki, Greece



Matsuki Water Mill



Matsuki is a mountain village in Yanina Prefecture. It is built at an altitude of 1,100 meters on the slopes of Tsoumerki in the western part, on the Pindos mountain range. Matsuki was mainly a livestock farming village, unlike its wealthier neighbors Tsoumerkohoria, Calarrites and Sirraco, which relied on trade, silver and gold. The water mill is located in the village of Matsuki and is surrounded by the very high mountains of Kakarditsa, in a fantastic and beautiful place immersed in greenery with rivers. The water mill is a monument of the pre-industrial period are an important testimony of the local social and economic life, as well as of the folk architecture that developed around the water. The mill at that time was the most important object of the village and the locals built and maintained stone bridges that provided access to the mill. The water mill was also used for washing clothes. The Dristela was sometimes open and sometimes housed separately or in a building with a water mill, sometimes used for processing wool, whipping to bind wool threads or for washing. With the Mantani, woolen fabrics were processed with a blow to bind them. It was an almost entirely wooden machine, sometimes outdoors and sometimes indoors, which was not an independent plant but part of a water complex, spinning wheels and water mills.



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