Информационно туристическая платформа
Tourism information platform

Terms and conditions





Before using all the features and functions of the Psahno.com service and platform, including viewing website pages, regardless of registration, posting publications, or any other activity on the site, signifies the visitor's agreement to this agreement, including all the special conditions and rules mentioned in it, without any reservations. The platform is a website hosted on the internet and accessible at https://psahno.com, representing a collection of exclusive rights and other elements, including but not limited to, computer programs, databases, graphic interface design, design elements, names, and so on.



User - a visitor to the website, regardless of whether they are registered on the site or not.


Organizer (Partner - publication author) - the one who has posted their publication or other event on the site.


Client - someone who views the offers or other events posted by the Organizer and interacts with the Organizer (Partner - publication author).


Registration - the action of a user, including providing account information and other details, carried out by the user using a special platform form to create a personal profile for access to additional services on the Psahno.com platform.


Services - provided by the Psahno.com platform, allowing the user Organizer (Partner - publication author) to post offers, and the Client (user) to search, view publications and offers, and other events, as well as any other features and functions available on the platform.



1. Main Terms




1.1. Psahno.com is a search platform where you can find information and select offers for booking services and other events from individuals and legal entities.


1.2. Psahno.com is not a rental or organizational structure. Psahno.com is not directly involved in organizing services, rentals, leases, and other events. The activities of Psahno.com are limited to providing information between organizers and interested parties.


1.3. By registering on the website https://psahno.com, the Client (user) agrees that the platform-service is not an organizer of transactions regarding the offers posted by Organizers (Partners - publication authors). Psahno.com is not an intermediary, tenant, buyer, seller, or organizer. Psahno.com does not control the information posted in user profiles and does not assume responsibility for the safety, legality, quality of content, and the quality of services, transportation, and other events provided by the offer Organizers (Partners - publication authors).


1.4. The Administrator has the authority to block access to the website-platform in the event of a violation of the site's rules and conditions.


1.5. It is prohibited to display racial, national, and religious spite, advocate for political parties, promote terrorism, extremism, drugs, religions, and other topics that are incompatible with commonly accepted standards of morality and decency.


1.5.1. Insulting users of the website in any form is prohibited.


1.5.2. Any form of rudeness, personal insults, and profanity towards other users, harming their reputation, demeaning their honor and dignity, including the public airing of personal disputes, both in private messages on the site and in reviews, is prohibited. Participants must adhere to a respectful manner of communication.


1.5.3. Threats of any kind (real, virtual, and other threats towards website users and the website itself) are prohibited.


1.6. By registering on the psahno.com website at https://psahno.com, the Client (user), a visitor to the site, agrees to our service rules and commits to adhere to them.


1.7. By registering on the platform-site, the Client (user) confirms their awareness of and agreement with the Rules and Conditions of platform-site usage.





 2. How the Platform Works






2.1. Registration is required for active use of Psahno.com services.


2.2. Registration on the Psahno.com platform-site is free of charge.


2.3. After registration, the Client (user) gains access to their personal page, "My Account," and access to the site's chat, where they can correspond with the Organizer (Partner - publication author).


2.4. When selecting an offer or another event of interest posted on the platform-site, the Client (user) can send a message to the Organizer (Partner - publication author).





3. Copyright





3.1. Psahno.com is not responsible for the Organizer's (Partner - publication author) use of materials owned by third parties. Upon receiving a request from the owner of such information, it will be promptly removed.


3.2. Copyright for any event is retained by the Organizer, in this case, the Organizer (Partner - publication author).


3.3. All other information (text, photos with the Psahno trademark logo, images, etc.) is the property of Psahno.com.


Distribution of information belonging to Psahno.com without the written consent of the Administrator is prohibited.





1. Main Terms





1.1. Psahno.com is a search platform where you can find information and select offers for booking services and other events from individuals and legal entities.


1.2. Psahno.com is not a rental or organizational structure. Psahno.com is not directly involved in organizing services, rentals, leases, and other events. The activities of Psahno.com are limited to providing information between organizers and interested parties.


1.3. By registering on the website https://psahno.com, the Client (user) agrees that the platform-service is not an organizer of transactions regarding the offers posted by Organizers (Partners - publication authors). Psahno.com is not an intermediary, tenant, buyer, seller, or organizer. Psahno.com does not control the information posted in user profiles and does not assume responsibility for the safety, legality, quality of content, and the quality of services, transportation, and other events provided by the offer Organizers (Partners - publication authors).


1.4. The Administrator has the authority to block access to the website-platform in the event of a violation of the site's rules and conditions.


1.5. It is prohibited to display racial, national, and religious spite, advocate for political parties, promote terrorism, extremism, drugs, religions, and other topics that are incompatible with commonly accepted standards of morality and decency.


1.5.1. Insulting users of the website in any form is prohibited.


1.5.2. Any form of rudeness, personal insults, and profanity towards other users, harming their reputation, demeaning their honor and dignity, including the public airing of personal disputes, both in private messages on the site and in reviews, is prohibited. Participants must adhere to a respectful manner of communication.


1.5.3. Threats of any kind (real, virtual, and other threats towards website users and the website itself) are prohibited.


1.6. By registering on the psahno.com website at https://psahno.com, the Client (user), a visitor to the site, agrees to our service rules and commits to adhere to them.


1.7. By registering on the platform-site, the Client (user) confirms their awareness of and agreement with the Rules and Conditions of platform-site usage.

2. How the Platform Works








2.1. Registration is required for active use of Psahno.com services.


2.2. Registration on the Psahno.com platform-site is free of charge.


2.3. After registration, the Client (user) gains access to their personal page, "My Account," and access to the site's chat, where they can correspond with the Organizer (Partner - publication author).


2.4. When selecting an offer or another event of interest posted on the platform-site, the Client (user) can send a message to the Organizer (Partner - publication author).

3. Copyright





3.1. Psahno.com is not responsible for the Organizer's (Partner - publication author) use of materials owned by third parties. Upon receiving a request from the owner of such information, it will be promptly removed.

3.2. Copyright for any event is retained by the Organizer, in this case, the Organizer (Partner - publication author).

3.3. All other information (text, photos with the Psahno trademark logo, images, etc.) is the property of Psahno.com.

Distribution of information belonging to Psahno.com without the written consent of the Administrator is prohibited.