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Areopagus Hill



The Areopagus is a rocky hill at the foot of the Acropolis where the ancient Greeks held court sessions. The hill is also called the Hill of Ares in honor of the Greek god of war. According to Greek mythology, the god Ares was tried here for shedding the blood of Poseidon's son Ariotheus, who raped Ares' daughter. The trial on the hill probably existed in the era of the first Messenian War between Sparta and Messenia in the period from 743 to 724 b.c. According to Pausanias, it was here that the Messenians tried to settle their differences. The Areopagus became a permanent seat of judgment during the reign of Solon at the beginning of the 6th century bc. It consisted of 9 lifetime members from former archons, candidates were nominated and elected by the Areopagus. The Areopagus had broad political, judicial, controlling and religious powers. The main functions of the Areopagus were the observance and execution of laws and serious criminal cases. The Areopagus remained the most authoritative authority and judicial body of ancient Athens until its fall. Another famous case at the Areopagus is related to the philosopher Socrates. The local court sentenced him to death for not honoring the gods and corrupting the youth with his speeches. But it did not come to execution Socrates poisoned himself with poison. A rather important event took place in 51 a.d., when the Apostle Paul chose Aeropagus as a place to address the Athenians.



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